Example Category

  • \(\LaTeX\) Support by tim on 3/20/2015 10:49 pm

    A list of MathJax \(\LaTeX\) Command examples. These alphabetical examples come from here. There are a lot of examples so the page may take a while to render. …continue…

  • HTML Entities by tim on 3/18/2015 5:46 am

    This list of html entities is for reference and testing of entity handling. Name Character HTML (quilt shortcut) Unicode hex (decimal) Description quot " " \x0022 (34) quotation mark (APL quote) amp & & \x0026 (38) ampersand apos …continue…

  • Quilt's Markdown Syntax by tim on 03/08/2015 1:32 pm

    Quilt uses Python-Markdown as it's markdown interpreter. Besides the base syntax rules of original Markdown, quilt parses extra markdown syntax. Extras includes abbreviations, attribute lists, definitions, fenced code, footnotes, tables (with escape …continue…